Total Wedding Videos
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Total Wedding Videos
If you are looking for a wedding video in newcastle or a wedding video in the north east of england then take a look at our portfolio. At Total Wedding Videos we believe that life is about experiences and the memories that stem from them, from the traditional rituals, to the guests, and all the other elements that make the most important day of your life.

We use the very latest Sony professional high definition cameras, along with state of the art sound recording equipment. DONT WASTE ANY MORE TIME LOOKING FOR YOUR WEDDING VIDEO NEWCASTLE OR YOUR WEDDING VIDEO NORTH EAST. Call 07494 701492 or E mail: to see if we are available for your special day.
A lot of people these days have a camcorder.
So why pay for a professional wedding video?
1, First of all there is the enhanced picture quality.
A lot of people think that because they have a high definition camcorder they will get a high definition picture.
They won't.
So essentially, if your lens is rubbish, the picture will be extremely distorted and badly exposed by the time it gets to the chip.
If the chip is also small, then the image recorded on that chip will be small, so it will definitely look dread full when expanded on a tv.
After all, the wedding video may be all they are left with once their special day is over.
The evolution of the digital camcorder has resulted in a larger number of people owning a video camera.
The ease of the controls such as auto focus and auto exposure have made filming so much easier.
The low cost of buying a reusable memory card has resulted in more people experimenting with their camcorders.
Because of this there are so many amateurs out there who have bought a cheap camera and think that it gives them the right to call them selves a wedding videographer.
Are planning to watch it on dvd, blue ray, do you wish to put your wedding video on the internet for all the world to see, or perhaps a personal streaming company so that only a select group of friends around the world can see it.
All videographers have a standard of things they include in a typical wedding video.
You must check that this covers everything you expect.
If there is something else you want you must communicate this to the videographer to ensure the moment is not lost.
What is your wedding video budget?
One of the biggest traps that couples fall into is a wedding videographer that offers a cheap price.
They probably work full time, or have just been laid off from there job, and because they filmed their friends wedding for free gives them the ability to charge couples for a wedding video.
They offer a really cheap price like 200 for the entire day and the bride and groom think "we need to save some money some where so why not".
1, Picture Quality: Although they may have a camera that records high definition (that cost 250 from Dixon's or Curry's) it will not give a high definition picture because the lense will be poor and the chip will be tiny and recording at a low mb/s rate.
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