Too Many Vices are one of the hardest working bands in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, Newcastle? You name it, we'll go there! Chances are you may have heard of us but if not allow us to introduce ourselves as your potential wedding/function band. We have been performing at weddings/functions/pubs and clubs for over 8 years. We have developed a reputation
Hi I'm John, an Inverclyde Wedding & Events Photographer. I'm the guy behind the camera. Whether you're having a business launch, a christening or wanting to have some family photos taken you need to be sure that the person taking them has experience and will deliver you exactly what you are looking for, after-all, these are memories that will last
We are wedding videographers and wedding photographers in based in West Central Scotland, although we love to travel to sunnier climates. With each of our wedding videos we always approach each wedding with the same passion and charisma as the one before. We are super discrete on your day that your guests barely notice we are there. Are you in love
I'm Andy Currie, a retired professional photographer based in Gourock, Scotland, who used to specialise in Weddings, Portraits and small Events photography. I have all of my own teeth and a few modern additions, a full head of increasingly transparent hair, have recently taken to wearing glasses and am probably 6 inches under height for my weight.